Case Renner

Building Climate Resilience in the Retail Sector

The Challenge

Lojas Renner, S.A. is the largest fashion retailer in Brazil and presence in Argentina and Uruguay, as well as offices in China and Bangladesh. The company currently operates 672 stores and integrates a complex supply chain at global scale.

Aware of the potential impact of climate change on its direct operations (stores and logistics), supply chain (cotton production and supplier operations) and the consequent financial exposure associated with such risks, Renner moved fast to quantify its exposure to climate change and define effective actions to build climate resilience.

With well-defined objectives and targets, Renner seek WayCarbon’s climate modelling capabilities to provide data to support decision making and allow the integration of the emerging climate risk management agenda into its broader corporate risk management practices.

Our work

WayCarbon has been supporting the company since 2018 to identify physical and transition climate risks in its direct operations, including all the group’s brands, stores and distribution centers.

Considering the materiality of climate risks to Renner’s supply chain, the company requested that the risk assessment was expanded to (i) include its value chain and (ii) update climate models and warming scenarios according to the latest CMIP6 data.

Using WayCarbon’s technology capabilities in climate risk modeling and validated approaches on supply chain risk assessment and monitoring, a comprehensive assessment was performed, and results integrated into a broader corporate risk governance structure.

Particularly, impacts classified as material were priced and broad adaptation measures identified and recorded, supporting resilience building within the company and at its value chain. The work was performed aligned with TCFD guidelines, further supporting the client to align its risk management practices to best-in-class international standards.


The project was instrumental in providing strategic direction on risk management and climate change adaptation. 

The analysis equipped Renner with capacities to prioritize actions and investments, both internally and in its value chain, to build climate resilience, mitigate risks and undertake informed strategic and financial decisions based on data and robust scenario analysis.