This Channel was created for the exclusive purpose of receiving reports related to infractions, procedures and/or guidelines adopted by WayCarbon, in addition to legal infractions such as fraud, corruption, misconduct, among others.

We emphasize that the Reporting Channel does not respond to questions or suggestions related to the products and services provided by WayCarbon. In these cases, please contact us through the Contact Us portal.

We at WayCarbon understand the importance of channels like this and we know that the information provided can initiate internal investigations, including public authorities, depending on the seriousness of the fact reported. For this reason, it is extremely important that all information mentioned in the complaint is true and that Names, Dates, Positions, Supplier, Customer, and other necessary data are included if possible, so that we can perform more efficient work and meet your needs. complaint.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

WayCarbon ensures that all information recorded here is confidential, and all necessary measures are taken to protect and guarantee its confidentiality. Furthermore, if you choose not to identify yourself, the report may be anonymous, containing only the details of the situation you are reporting.

The purpose of the data is solely and exclusively for the investigation of possible conduct considered unethical or that violates the principles established at WayCarbon, as well as those in force in applicable legislation.

We emphasize that the personal data used provided in the report will be stored until the purpose has been fulfilled, and will be discarded immediately afterwards.